About this Parachute
Nov 24, 2020: Hello Mr. Barton, hope you are doing well, this last three months Rwanda have been affected by climate change, we are having two climate awareness events one in December and another one in January, we need fliers, banner, to use during these events. These 20 parachutes are for Fridays For Future communities in Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, to be decorated for the upcoming Earth Day celebrations, April 22-24, 2020.
Sustainable Actions in this Community
Andrew Mahame will be a featured speaker for the Mother Earth Project ZOOM Event on Sep 25, 2020, discussing environmental issues in Rwanda, as well as sustainable actions going forward.
"The World We Want in 2045" In 2045, it will be the UN’s 100th birthday. The hope is that our world will be 100% sustainable at that point.