About this Parachute
Wow! Thank You! We would love a few parachutes. We have a climate crisis event coming up next week, Nov. 20 here on Maui. We expect 100 participants. It's a presentation and party, and parachute decorating would be a perfect activity for young people.
Sustainable Actions in this Community
These parachutes will be put to VERY good use. I will have the young people of #FridaysForFuture and Youth Climate Strikers Hawaii sketch out the designs, and we will ask the community to help paint at our Climate Crisis event next week. This is a perfect way to get the young people to come to the event, participate (while the boring climate crisis lectures are underway), and then bring them to the Maui County Building lawn on Fridays as they strike. It will be a BIG impact, and I'll send plenty of photos. Peace and Aloha, Rita Rita Ryan The Climate Reality Project, Hawaii Chapter Chair