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About this Parachute

350 Nevada (3 Parachutes)
United States
Las Vegas
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Hi there! Here at 350 Nevada, we are involved with environmental justice and sustainability in a multitude of ways. Electorally we are focused on birddogging candidates for the 2020 elections on fossil fuel questions, and climate action day one pledges if elected. We are going to be registering voters come September as well. We host monthly info sessions and training sessions on different conservation issues, and we also help build youth climate leaders by reaching out to our local high schools! We also are advocating and building power for a local Presidential Forum in October, as well as support water rights, Indigenous rights when policy comes out during our next legislative session. Best, Jackie

Sustainable Actions in this Community

Good morning! I just wanted to say I got the parachutes in the mail today, and I am SO excited to use them. Thank you so much for doing this project, it's so important to keep creativity and fun in movements and this does just that. We are hosting a climate strike meeting tomorrow (8.23.19) and I can't wait to show everyone. Thanks so much again! The last climate strike Las Vegas had about 200 people in attendance, we are hoping for at least that many people again for the Sep 20, 2019 strike!