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About this Parachute

Climate Reality Project, SC Upstate Chapter (4 Parachutes)
United States
South Carolina
Latest Action
08.2019, 05.2022
Dimension (feet)
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I am the Chair of The Climate Reality Project, South Carolina Upstate Chapter. We are planning a large demonstration in downtown Greenville SC at City Hall on Sept. 20th to participate in the Global Climate Strike. We are encouraging participant to make signs but we have no funds to have them made, so it is up to individuals to fund their own. It would be terrific if we could join with The Mother Earth Project to have a parachute sign for use at that strike and into the future. Thanks for your consideration, Gary Harbour Chair Climate Reality, South Carolina Upstate

Sustainable Actions in this Community

We are a new organization for the States three regional Climate Reality groups, Upstate, Columbia, and Charleston. We want the parachute to decorate and take to climate strikes and action.

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Climate Reality, South Carolina Upstate