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Plenty4All (6 Parachutes)
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Thank you very kind for the great work you are doing around the global and I have been blessed by reading your document on website", It has been one of the most exciting and thrilling experiences of my life. Not only have they taught me many things , but also the knowledge has arrived in a very important stage of my life when I am reading and understanding things that have never a crossed my mind , they bring new perspectives and new understanding to me . So my humble request to you is that " Is there a way I can get more education support from you in order for me to republicate it to my community here in Kenya and East Africa countries . We have already started Clubs For Children and Mobile Digital-educational in Kenya ~ By aging appropriate tasks that are of lower risk and do not interfere with schooling ,health and personal development of a child (young person) can be a normal part of growing especially in a rural environment. In the context of farming & digital Science , participation of children in various activities can be positive as it contributes to inter –generational transfer of technical and social skills and children’s food security (value in kind). Plenty4All Clubs for children in Kenya decided to engage children in farming of different varieties of vegetables, creating culture of reading, writing and learning and Grassroots mobile Digital-educational and includes educating the local people on the subjects of ICT, Peace and climate change among the communities providing education and economic guidance to help steer young people away from killing each other , and also providing guidance and support to the community . And also make community we operating be accountable for climate change and peace . Impact of creating club for children’s learning and mobile Digital - educational at the grassroots community level in Kenya ~ By training children in agriculture digital science when they are young by the time they are aged 18 years and above, they will use the agriculture skills to create job opportunities for themselves and train others to use the same path. They will also see agriculture as a potential career, and to be responsible successful Kenyans and future adult’s .Our aim as plenty4all children’s club is to see 85 percent grassroots level children by 2030 not to be beggars but use the knowledge and ICT skills to feed themselves and support the entire grassroots community rather than depending on others. We also working on other project include - Agriculture digital Science - Child Welfare , education and support ( Plenty4All Children's Club) - youths behavior change and empowerment - Research on > Water capture system , sanitation and hygien - Women's empowerment - Climate Change - Renewable Energy ( Biogas) Our purpose is to train , feed and bring grassroots local communities people together to work in concert to create a higher understanding through introduction of ICT(digital skills) peace workshop - and be accountable for climate change . But we lack knowledge,education, support and that's why I'm nocking your door for assistance . Thanks and I'm looking forward to hear from you. Yours Sincerely, Polycap Ogalo Plenty4All Africa ~ Project Manager

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