About this Parachute
In May, 2019, The Citizens' Climate Lobby, CCL, of Burundi officially instated Barton Rubenstein, MEP cofounder, as an honorary member of CCL Burundi.
Sustainable Actions in this Community
Good morning; I'm writing to you to let you know that CCLBurundi is actually admitted to work officially, since last friday, July 12, 2019, it was really hard, but we went ahead and thé succès is ahead. Thank you all for your great support; CCL Burundi is a genuine product from your (our) hard work. A particular gratitude to Barton, the MEP founder, for thé great support that consists of 5 parachutes and this will really serve as a great tool in our climate justice advocacy. CCL Burundi in partnership with SOCOSE Burundi, is launching thé MEP and thé BIRANDABA project through presenting parachutes in front of hundreds of people, including government officials, 100 most vulnérable women involved in thé project, 150 CCL Burundi volunteers, 55 scouts and 35 rep from civil society. We are lucky to have some organisations are covering thé cake we will share. We will let you know how thé program is An other activity in process is to set up CCLBurundi team in every Burundi provinces( 18 provinces) and we are already contacting individuals in those provinces and we will be meeting all those individuals in Bujumbura town for a whole day on August 18th, 2019 We are really proud of you