About this Parachute
Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization empowering people to experience breakthroughs exercising their personal and political power. Our chapter is just one of hundreds of chapters across the world working to create the political will for a livable world. We are laser focused on a specific piece of legislation and a proven strategy to gain its passage. We are working for the passage of Carbon Fee and Dividend, the climate change solution economists and climate scientists alike say is the “best first-step” to preventing the worst impacts of a warming world. Our market-based Carbon Fee and Dividend policy will drastically reduce emissions, create jobs, and support small businesses and families — all without growing government. We’ve seen firsthand how passionate citizens who are well-trained, organized by district and with a good system of support can more than influence the political process.
Sustainable Actions in this Community
We seek to educate community members on the importance of addressing climate change and our solution. We hold events showing how climate change impacts the environment, our health and wildlife. We contact our members of congress, particularly during the annual June and November lobby days in Washington, DC. We had kids paint the parachute during Earth Day. Rashelle Murillo, a 7th grade student at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, said she picked a falcon because of how it can symbolize clean air, and a peregrine, specifically, because it's one of the world's fastest birds — with a possible top speed of 200 mph in a diving strike at prey, according to the Audubon Field Guide available online.