About this Parachute
Students in the AP environmental and Environmental Clubs participated in creating both the design and final parachute product. Students completed the project during class time at the end of last year, during their lunch periods this year, and after school. We decided our theme would be Save the.... with students deciding what they felt should be saved on our planet. Each student in the AP Environmental class sketched their design on a piece of recyclable fabric and began painting. Some of their ideas were-to save the birds, save African wildlife, save the cabins(this is a local group of cabins used to house people enjoying nature trails that could possibly be torn down), save the dolphins, and save the turtles. Meanwhile students in the Environmental club worked on painting the date, "Save the" block in the center, names of groups participating, and our high school name. At the end of the project, the Environmental club decided to add two new items to the "Save the" circle-a panda and a planet. I believe all of the students who participated, learned a great deal about managing a project, and more importantly how important our planet and its' wildlife is to humans.
Sustainable Actions in this Community
We currently have a greenhouse that both the AP Environmental students, some of our IB students, and our Environmental club students helped design, plan, and grow various herbs, vegetables, and fruits. Students built the beds with the help of volunteer adult members of the school community. Students then have had the opportunity to try some of the items that they have grown. The Environmental Club also has been working on planting items in a aeroponic system that was donated to the school, and planting trees around the school property. We are hoping by the end of the year to secure a grant that will allow us to build nature trails and an outside classroom on our property, as well as rain gardens and a cistern to water our greenhouse with.