About this Parachute
I ordered one of your parachutes and am very interested in working with your group. I am an elementary school teacher right now, but plan on taking the next year off to focus on climate work. Your organization sounds amazing. An artist friend and I would love to promote your work here in Seattle. Please let me know how we can help.
Sustainable Actions in this Community
I quit my job to do climate activism. I am in many climate groups: 350 Seattle, Extinction Rebellion, South Seattle Climate Action Network...Creation care at my church. I don't have the funds to pay for the parachute at the moment. I have purchased them before! I am doing many things! The one I would like parachute[s] for is a Climate Action Fair in April. I plan on having representatives from different climate groups come together for folks to learn about what they can do. They can find the group that they feel most connected to. The parachute would be a fun bonding activity.