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Rural Family Care (Cook Stoves) (10 parachutes)
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I have discussed with our Team and we request materials that make 10 parachutes ( 5 for communities, 2 Primary schools and 3 for High schools). We will need financial assistance for Paint, Paint brushes, colours etc . You will advise if a total 10 parachutes would an Ideal number to start with. I am personally a climate change Champion in our community and I am good at engaging Political Leaders.

Sustainable Actions in this Community

This is our Climate Change Campaign, parachute decorating with concerned comments about the environment, sustainable actions that need to be taken immediately, involving youth and political leaders, including Members of Parliament - Francis This is how we DEMAND BETTER CLIMATE LAWS, well done! I'm sharing with project pictures for the cook stoves. Currently I am distributing 3 types of cook stoves, those which are dual purpose, the end user can use both fire wood and charcoal at different intervals, the stove is portable.I have liners made out of good clay and tested by a laboratory, the liner is fixed in the kitchen, the fixing is done with bricks; such liners can be for either charcoal or firewood. I do community education and campaign against indoor pollution and how communities can save on using too much fire wood and charcoal.I am currently looking for a budget amounting to US$1400 that can enable me reach close to 200 house holds, at a rate of about US$ 7 per cook stove. And 10% of that budget would meet costs of sensitizing the communities about dangers of indoor pollution.I shall be pleased to keep communicating with you about this project of scaling up improved improved cook stoves.Regards,Francis